Business to Nature
Interregional approach to SMEs and Entrepreneurship in natural areas
The B2N project BUSINESS TO NATURE – Interregional approach to SMEs and entrepreneurship in natural areas is an initiative co-financed by the INTERREG IV C programme, which aims to contribute to economic and sustainable development of European regions by demonstrating and promoting the best practices for entrepreneurship development in natural areas.
Eleven institutions from 9 different countries participated in the project: Bulgaria, France, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland and United Kingdom. The total cost of the project, running from January 2010 to December 2012, is of € 1,954,465, of which € 186,360 are intended for Fondation Grand Paradis.
The B2N project resulted in the development of strategic documents with good practices and policy recommendations which will help European policy makers in responding to the challenge of reconciling economic development with environmental protection. The project involved representatives of the regional authorities, entrepreneurs and independent experts in order to respond to the needs of different stakeholders and to ensure that the proposed solutions are environmentally friendly.
The B2N project is divided in three phases. During each phase project partners organised study visits and workshops combined with strong dissemination efforts to communicate the project’s results both inside and outside participating regions
DURATION: 2010 - 2012
TOTAL BUDGET: € 1.954.465
BUDGET FOR Fondation Grand Paradis : € 191.360
PARTNERS: Fondation Grand Paradis; Polish Tourism Development Agency, Poland – Lead Partner; Warmia and Mazury Regional Development Agency in Olsztyn; Institute for Economic Development of Ourense Province (INORDE); Östergötland County Administrative Board; Perugia Province; Regional Committee for Tourism Development of Auvergne; Cyngor Sir Powys County Council; Development Association of Alto Tâmega´s Region; Veliko Turnovo Municipality; Local Development Center Pivka.