Project Destination SMEs website
Regional Council of North Karelia
Institute for Culture, Tourism and Sport Murska Sobota
Comunicato stampa - 29/05/2017
#2 - The study visit to Auvergne
#3 - The study visit to Vidzeme
#4 - The study visit to the Gran Paradiso
#5 – The study visit to the Cork County, Ireland
#6 - The study visit to North Kareila, Finlandia
#7 - The study visit to Slovenia
Destination SMEs
"Destination SMEs" is an initiative co-financed within Interreg Europe, a programme for helping regional and local governments across Europe to develop and deliver better policy.
The project aims at improving public policies dedicated to the support of SMEs operating in the tourism sector in seven European Union countries that have joined the initiative (France, Italy, Malta, Ireland, Finland, Latvia, Slovenia), through an exchange of good practice between the partners subjects, as well as to define an integrated strategy of tourist land management.
Relevant stakeholders within each area will be strongly involved in the exchange of experience at interregional level and planned adaptation of policy instruments.
"Destination SMEs" is structured on two phases: the first one will last three years (2016-2019) and will be focused on the analysis of territorial policies and good practices; the second one will last 2 years (2019-2020) and will be dedicated to test on the territory new projects for developing destination management strategies.
Fondation Grand Paradis will be in charge of the management of the project communication activities.
PROGRAMME: Interreg Europe
DURATION: 2016-2020
TOTAL AMOUNT: € 1,482,618.00
LEAD PARTNER: Regional Tourist Development Board of Auvergne (France)
PARTNERS: Fondation Grand Paradis (Italy), Ministry for Gozo (Malta), Cork County Council (Ireland), Regional Council of North Karelia (Finland), Vidzeme Planning Region (Latvia), Institute for Culture, Tourism and Sport Murska Sobota (Slovenia ).